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Quantifying the Value of Financial Planning Advice


Making the decision to hire a financial advisor normally comes down to one key question: Will I get value out of retaining this individual?


This question is why it’s important for financial advisors to quantify the value of the financial planning advice they give. Some say it can’t be measured; others attempt to put a value on it but overhype the intangible aspects of their advice. For example, many people understand on a theoretical level that avoiding big financial catastrophes and missteps is advantageous, but if a real monetary cost can’t be attached to those missteps, then the intangible benefits of a financial planner can sound like a luxury unworthy of the investment.

How to quantify the value of a financial advisor

We believe it is possible to demonstrate what a financial advisor’s advice is worth in a way that helps clients connect the dots from the intangible to the tangible. Let’s start by outlining the 3 main ways advisors create value:


  1. They can cause your lifetime portfolio return to be higher than it otherwise would have been 
  2. They can save you more in time, effort, worry, and record-keeping 
  3. They can save you more in the cost of mistakes that you will avoid


If any combination of these benefits exceeds the advisor’s cost, then the economics of hiring an advisor make good sense.


If EACH of these benefits exceeds the advisor’s cost, the economics of hiring an advisor make GREAT sense.


Bullets 2 and 3 describe services that, at first blush, seem to have no physical value. In the table below, adapted from "The Kitces Report" by Michael Kitces (Volume 3, 2015), we can see that these intangible benefits can actually be quantified by their real-world impact and the time-savings they provide:

Financial Planning Strategy Potential Economic Impact Real-World Impact
Claiming tax deductions, credits, and tax-free investing opportunities

Deductions, credits, Roth IRAs and 529 plans, etc.
$1,000s or $10,000s
  • Paying for your daughter's or son's wedding
  • Buying a new car in cash
Tax deferral - Retirement contributions, tax loss harvesting $10,000s or $100,000s
  • A donation to your alma mater that helps a low-income student pay tuition
  • An overseas trip to the Mediterranean
  • Paying off your mortgage a decade sooner than expected
Tax bracket arbitrage - Roth conversions, tax sensitive liquidations 0% - 30% of total wealth
  • Avoiding a $35,000 tax bill
Picking Lower-Cost Investments 0.45% - 0.82%
  • A larger nest egg in retirement
Tax Loss Harvesting 0.20% - 0.60%
  • A larger nest egg in retirement
Asset Location Up to 0.75%
  • A larger nest egg in retirement
Investment Selection for Alpha? 0%
  • A larger nest egg in retirement
Rebalancing 0.35% - 0.44%
Diversification Risk Reduction
  • Being in position to capture the investment premiums from different asset classes
Behavior Gap Up to 1.50% The Behavior Gap is caused by "irrational investing decisions driven by the desire to avoid pain and seek pleasure in the form of above-average returns." Examples of this are selling when investment prices are low or switching from one investment to another based on the pick of a stock analyst on television.

This Behavior Gap results in lower returns. A financial advisor helps you avoid the pitfalls of the Behavior Gap.
Federal estate tax savings Millions
  • Ensure your spouse, children, and grandchildren have a reliable resource to be financially protected after you're gone
State estate tax savings $100,000s or Millions
  • A sizeable donation to your favorite charity that lets them open a new location and expand their services
Probate and settlement cost savings $1,000s or $10,000s
  • A contribution to each grandchild's college savings fund
Ensuring assets go where they should and when Time Saved: Unquantifiable
  • Peace of mind knowing your money is always working for you
Retirement portfolio tax strategies and withdrawal sourcing 0.50% - 0.70%
Maximizing Social Security benefits $10,000s
  • Retire 5 years sooner than originally planned
Retirement-sensitive tax planning strategies (e.g. Medicare Part B and Part D premium surcharges) $1,000s to $100,000s
  • Buy a vacation home the whole family can visit every year
Setting spending policies and budgeting Making retirement work
  • The ability to plan for household repairs and upgrades
  • Setting a timeline for making that big trip to Nepal, Tibet and India
Determining when you can stop working Emotional Well-Being
Optimizing Insurance Coverage $100s or $1,000s
  • A weekend getaway
Eliminate Financial Catastrophes Time Saved: Unquantifiable
  • Knowing that no matter what the market does, and no matter what happens to your job or your health, you and your family are protected
Enhanced Value of Your Time $1,000s to $10,000s
  • Your time is your most valuable asset. Your time is what lets you earn, and what lets you make saving and money management worth the effort.
Spend Money to Free Up Time Emotional Well-Being
  • Your time is your most valuable asset. Your time is what lets you earn, and what lets you make saving and money management worth the effort.
Ensure Things Actually Get Done Time Saved: Unquantifiable
  • More time to garden, volunteer, go cycling, hike with your dog, or any other activity you love
Debiasing Time Saved: Unquantifiable
  • An unbiased perspective leads to more robust portfolio gains
Financial coach for implementation Time Saved: 50 - 100 hours
  • Financial expertise coupled with execution results in excellent money management

Though not every aspect of a financial planner’s advice and services can be quantified through monetary gains, realizing the time-savings and real-world benefits that result from expert financial planning lets us see that their value goes beyond peace of mind. We encourage anyone interested in hiring a financial advisor to ask to be shown, with real-world examples that apply to your situation, how the advisor’s services will result in a net benefit to you. This will be your first test to see if they really can deliver sustainable value.

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