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How does a financial advisor get paid?

How does a financial advisor get paid? | F5 Financial is a fee only wealth management firm with a holistic approach to financial planning, personal goals, and behavioral change.

Today we dive into the 3 common fee structures that financial advisors use. Here we clarify commission-based, fee-only, and fee-based methods—so you can choose wisely.

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When Should I Hire a Financial Advisor?

Does my situation call for a financial advisor? | F5 Financial is a fee only wealth management firm with a holistic approach to financial planning, personal goals, and behavioral change.

Do you have one of the 3 situations that call for a financial advisor (financial complexity, an unexpected major financial change—or planning for one)? Learn more here!

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What is the value of a financial planner?

The Fearless Advisor! What is the value of a financial planner? | Mission F5 Financial is a fee only wealth management firm with a holistic approach to financial planning, personal goals, and behavioral change.

Here are 5 perspectives on how financial planners add value: retirement planning, investments, tax and estate planning, risk mitigation, and the relief of delegating!

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The Value of Discipline

The Fearless Advisor! The Value of Discipline - F5 Financial's insights

Today we explore the challenges of living a life with discipline—and offer encouragement, 4 tactics, and a long-range perspective.

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Insights from Who Not How

The Fearless Advisor! Who Not How by Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benjamin Hardy - F5 Financial's insights

Today we share several key insights from Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerated Teamwork.

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Insights from Stop Acting Rich

The Fearless Advisor! Insights from Stop Acting Rich by, Dr. Thomas Stanley

Today we dive into Dr. Thomas Stanley’s book, Stop Acting Rich . . . and Start Living Like a Real Millionaire, and share several key insights.

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Boundaries in Life and Finance

The Fearless Advisor! Boundaries in Life and Finance

Today the Fearless Advisor discusses how to set boundaries in health & finance—along with root causes for why you may be living boundaryless!

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