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Leadership Lesson 8 – Get THEM Promoted
Now the cynic will read this and think: “Great, this guy’s advocating the Peter Principle.” Hardly, I’m advocating the Curt principle . . .
Leadership Lesson 7 – Dealing With the Problem Children
Many of the leadership lessons are eerily similar to the lessons you learn as a parent. Such is the case when faced with a problem child.
Leadership Lesson 6 – Expectations are Expected
Your team knows that you are the boss. And as the boss they are looking for you to establish the rules. So, do so by letting them know what your expectations of them are. Expectations are a wonderful thing.
Leadership Lesson 5 – Quit Hoarding Information!
We’ve all heard it before: knowledge is power. Unfortunately, too many leaders let their fear of losing control dominate their behaviors and, accordingly, hoard the vast majority of all of the information they obtain.
Leadership Lesson 4 – Get Over Being Their Friend
Leadership is not a popularity contest. It’s about making the tough choices.
Leadership Lesson 3 – It’s Not About You
WIIFM. What’s In It For Me? This one simple question is at the heart of becoming a successful leader.
Leadership – Lesson 2 – Mr. Green Ball
So back in 2003 I spent over a year carrying around a green racket ball with me everywhere I went. Amazing isn’t it? You’re reading a book on how to become a better leader and the author is recommending carrying around a bouncy ball?
Leadership – Lesson 1 – Discipline or Regret
One of my favorite quotes is from Jim Rohn and states, “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”