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When Rates Go Up, Do Stocks Go Down?

After a rocky few weeks, stock prices have settled down; HOWEVER, you can always count on the media to raise some new crisis to get investors riled up.

I am quite confident that sometime in the next few months you will hear one of the talking heads on one of the cable networks opine that the stock market is at risk.

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New Market Highs and Positive Expected Returns

The past few weeks have brought quite a bit of volatility to the stock market.  Many wonder whether the market will continue to rise as it achieves new highs; or, if the recent downward movements are the new normal.

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Recent Market Volatility

If you are going to invest, you are going to experience volatility.

Volatility is EXACTLY the reason that we are able to capitalize financially on the stock market. It is also the reason that we MUST be disciplined if we wish to capture the market returns that are available.

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As Goes January, So Goes the Year?

No doubt more than a few individuals have heard one of the talking heads on the cable channels speak of “the January effect” or some other similar phenomenon that you can exploit to get rich quick. Are you really buying into what they are selling?

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The Uncommon Average

When your boat is sinking, would you swim along the current or fight it?
“The Uncommon Average” lets you see how long-term focus can yield positive returns.

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Quit Monkeying Around!

We are lucky to be living in this age and time, where there is someone we can trust our investments with. We don’t let the monkeys decide for us. We let the experts in.

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Key Questions for the Long-Term Investor

Key Questions for the Long-Term Investor. The reality is that the principles of successful long term investing are much different than most people think. Successful, long term investing” is EXTREMELY redundant

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Quarterly Market Review – Q3 2017

This year’s Third Quarter issue of the Quarterly Market Review provides a sneak-peek on how “a financial advisor can help investors decide on an appropriate asset allocation, stay the course during periods of disappointing results, and carefully weigh considerations if a given strategy is right for them.”

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