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Quarterly Market Review – Second Quarter 2017

While we believe that investors should always focus on the long term, we recognize that there is always a great deal of interest in happenings in the market place.  With that in mind we publish a brief market update each quarter.  Below you will find updates for the second quarter of 2017. Enjoy the read…

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Market Returns During Election Years

As we get closer to the 2016 Presidential election, I’m besieged by inquiries from individuals wondering “what should I do with my investments”.  The simple answer is, hopefully nothing!  That ASSUMES that these individuals have developed and are implementing an investment policy statement that guides their investment decisions. While there is certainly a lot of…

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Quarterly Market Review – Third Quarter 2016

cover image for the Q3 marketing review for 2016

While we believe that investors should always focus on the long term, we recognize that there is always a great deal of interest in happenings in the market place.  With that in mind we publish a brief market update each quarter.  Below you will find a link to the update for the third quarter of…

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Quarterly Market Review – First Quarter 2016

The first quarter of 2016 was extremely turbulent and generated a lot of noise in the press.  While to many it felt painful, the end result of the quarter was NOT painful at all.  Interestingly you would NOT have gotten that perspective if you paid attention to the mainstream media. While we believe that investors…

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Targeting Dimensions of Returns

Just about everyone has their thoughts on what the “best” investment strategy is.  While I don’t claim that the philosophy F5 Financial Planning uses is “the best”, I am confident that the strategy that we employ has solid foundations based on the academic research of Fama and French. Our investment strategy is based on exploiting…

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