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Monday Morning Motivation – Privilege

(Sharing Resources to Help You Grow Personally, Professionally & Financially)

Sometimes it helps to get a little dose of encouragement — along with a good cup of coffee! — to start the day.

Hopefully the message below will help you get off to a good start for the week.  Please feel free to forward the newsletter on to others that you think would benefit from the content.


A while back I was in some training on the subject of “privilege”.  Prior to the training, I associated with the word with “silver spoon in the mouth”.  After the training, I had an entirely different perspective…

Consider the following:

  • How long to do you expect to live versus someone in Nigeria?
  • How does your standard of living compare to someone in Pakistan?
  • What are your civil liberties compared to someone in Russia?
  • How does your standard of living compare to someone in downtown Detroit?
  • How does the stability of your home life compare to someone whose parent is deployed overseas?

Privilege is NOT about money.  It is about opportunity.  It is about being fortunate enough to be surrounded by an environment that allows you to do things that others cannot.  It is about many of the things that we take for granted each and every day.

That brings me to the question for this week:

  • Have you taken the time to reflect on how privileged you and your family are?

Thanks for sharing a bit of your time with me this Monday morning and I wish you all the best for the week.


Blog posts from this past week: