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Girl visualizing who she wants to be

Monday Morning Motivation – Visualization

(Sharing Resources to Help You Grow Personally, Professionally & Financially)

Sometimes it helps to get a little dose of encouragement—along with a good cup of coffee!—to start the day. Today we discuss “visualization”.

Hopefully, the message below will help you get off to a good start for the week. Please feel free to forward the newsletter along to others who you think would benefit from the content.


(NOTE – For the next six weeks, I’m going to focus on each of Hal Elrod’s “SAVERS” in sequence. If you are curious about the background for these topics, take a few minutes to check out the summary of his book “The Miracle Morning”. It’s one of the best I have ever read!)

For the second week in a row, I’m going to start with one of my favorite quotes from Steven Covey:

  • All things are created twice. First mentally. Second physically.

While last week we spoke of affirmations and the power associated with them. The concept of positively reinforcing your desired state is incredibly powerful. And it can be amplified/multiplied when you reinforce your affirmations with the process of visualization.

It is one thing to read an affirmation on paper. It is quite another to close your eyes and visualize yourself actually behaving in the desired manner. In your “mind’s eye” you see what you are wearing, you see what is going on around you, you notice the smells, you hear the sounds, you experience the feelings. You visualize yourself in the situation, as the person you want to become.

Some folks will dismiss visualization as “hocus pocus”. Wrong answer! Remember that once an event takes place, it ONLY lives in our memories. We turn this concept around by visualizing the event as we want it to transpire. In so doing, we “create” the memory. We create the success.


If you took last week’s challenge to record your affirmations, this week’s challenge will allow you to build easily on the work you did:

  • Are you taking time each day to visualize yourself becoming the person you describe in your affirmations?


Thanks for sharing a bit of your time with me this Monday morning and I wish you all the best for the week.


NOTE – For those of you that are following along with this series, I’ll spill the beans without making you head to the books summary:

  • S = Silence (meditation)
  • A = Affirmations
  • V = Visualization
  • E = Exercise
  • R = Reading
  • S = Scribing (journaling)
Stay tuned for the rest of the series OR go ahead and check out the book summary now.  You’ll be glad you did!)


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