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No More Chasing Returns–Why I am a Global Investor

If you look at the numbers, US equities have done incredibly well over the past decade. Comparatively, international developed equities have NOT done nearly as well. As a result, you will see many in the financial services space over-weighting (compared to their historical holdings) the US equities.

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Are You Using Your Head When It Comes to Investing?

When it comes to investing, we often struggle with using our mind versus our heart/emotions. The result is often catastrophic when we fall into this trap. To be effective investors, we need to do two things.

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To Bit or Not to Bit – What Should Investors Make of Bitcoin Mania?

Bitcoin has been established as a new currency. And I freely concede that you can use it to conduct commerce at this point in time. However, I am unconvinced that it will be viable in the long term. Furthermore, the volatility associated with it is mind boggling.

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When Rates Go Up, Do Stocks Go Down?

After a rocky few weeks, stock prices have settled down; HOWEVER, you can always count on the media to raise some new crisis to get investors riled up.

I am quite confident that sometime in the next few months you will hear one of the talking heads on one of the cable networks opine that the stock market is at risk.

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New Market Highs and Positive Expected Returns

The past few weeks have brought quite a bit of volatility to the stock market.  Many wonder whether the market will continue to rise as it achieves new highs; or, if the recent downward movements are the new normal.

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Recent Market Volatility

If you are going to invest, you are going to experience volatility.

Volatility is EXACTLY the reason that we are able to capitalize financially on the stock market. It is also the reason that we MUST be disciplined if we wish to capture the market returns that are available.

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