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Book Summary – The Investment Answer

Gordy and Murray walks individuals through the five key decisions that individuals need to make in order to be successful as investors. See how you’re doing…

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Becoming Comfortable With Money

It has always amazed me how uncomfortable some people are in discussing the topic of money. My guess is that is because of how they were – or were not – exposed to the topic. Growing up I saw my Dad and Mom work hard.

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Costs Matter – Understanding ALL of the Costs

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Costs matter. Whether you’re buying a car or selecting an investment strategy, the costs you expect to pay are likely to be an important factor in making any major financial decision. Read on to learn about key cost areas that you need to consider when selecting investments to include in your portfolio.

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How Families Can Calculate Retirement Income Wants Versus Needs

Perhaps the biggest fear of families is how they will “get paid” in retirement. Gone is the regular paycheck and the annual bonuses; and, after years of building a nest egg, the new retiree is faced with the extremely uncomfortable task of tapping in to the hard earned savings.

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Why You Should Not Buy Stocks

No doubt there will be a few folks who read the above headline and immediately conclude that I have to be crazy. Bear with me as I make a case on why buying INDIVIDUAL stocks is normally not a good idea.

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