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Real Estate and IRAs – Tips for Avoiding the Traps

real estate, IRA, dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, naperville financial advisor

Are you interested in investing in real estate through an IRA? If you decide to go down this route, here are some traps to avoid—plus several tips that’ll save you from having an uncomfortable discussion with the IRS.

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Commodity Investing – Why I Suggest Avoiding

commodity investing, Commodities, dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, naperville financial advisor

A great rule to follow is this: if you don’t understand something, you should not get involved. For many, commodity investing is one such area. Read on to learn why I take this position.

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