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An Alternate Reality You Need to Avoid!

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, alternatives, alts, hedge funds, private equities, commodities, long-short strategies

I have a Ph.D. in industrial engineering with an emphasis in optimization theory. I have also put in the time and effort to earn my CFP® credentials. Yet I don’t spend a moment of time messing around with “alternatives.” In my opinion, all the hoopla around alts is merely marketing fluff and an effort to sell product. Disagree? Today’s article explains what the alts are—and shows you the data. You decide!

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Graduate Level Investing – Share Repurchases vs. Dividend Payouts

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, graduate level investing, share repurchases, dividend payouts, share repurchases vs. dividend payouts

Today’s post is more of a “graduate level” topic, as it goes a bit deeper into pricing and valuation of stocks. This article compares and contrasts dividend payouts and share repurchases. Read on to understand how to apply this to your investment strategy.

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Back to School

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, 529, higher education, paying for college, saving for college

It’s hard to believe, but we are only a few weeks away from “back-to-school” season. In this week’s blog post, we take a look at the issue of paying for college.

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Quarterly Market Review – Second Quarter 2018

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, fee-only, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, quarterly market review

Once per quarter, we roll up our sleeves and take a deeper dive into what’s happened in the stock market. Take a look at the attached presentation if you’d like to view the recap for April – June 2018.

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