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Hey, Chicken Little, the Sky Is NOT Falling!

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, volatility, stability, stock market

What was true in late summer 2017 (when markets were quite stable and volatility low) remains true now—yes, we’ll have some “storms” in the market; HOWEVER, the Chicken Little doomsayers have yet to be proven even marginally intelligent with their “The Sky is Falling!” clucking!

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No, Indexing is NOT Going to Destroy the Market!

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, indexing, index funds

John Bogle launched the first index fund in 1975 and was greeted with proclamations of “Bogle’s Folly,” and people have continued to throw darts at the concept of index investing. As of yet, they have not been able to “burst the bubble.” Today we discuss the misplaced notion that index investing will somehow result in significant pricing distortions in the marketplace.

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An Alternate Reality You Need to Avoid!

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, alternatives, alts, hedge funds, private equities, commodities, long-short strategies

I have a Ph.D. in industrial engineering with an emphasis in optimization theory. I have also put in the time and effort to earn my CFP® credentials. Yet I don’t spend a moment of time messing around with “alternatives.” In my opinion, all the hoopla around alts is merely marketing fluff and an effort to sell product. Disagree? Today’s article explains what the alts are—and shows you the data. You decide!

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