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One Man’s Junk is Another Man’s Treasure – Understanding Buyers and Sellers

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, trading, stock market, volatility

Despite what the talking heads try to get you to believe, there are NEVER more “buyers than sellers” or more “sellers than buyers” in the market. Each trade MUST have both a buyer and a seller—and both must believe that they are getting a fair deal at the time of the transaction. Efficient markets are real. In contrast, the talking heads’ version is FAR from real!

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Prediction Season – Why the Pundits are Clueless

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, investments, investing, stock market, volatility

We have started the fourth quarter with a not-so-fun rollercoaster ride of stock prices. This has all of the pundits offering us their “wisdom” on what will happen next. News flash—they are all clueless! Read on to find out what you need to know.

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Hey, Chicken Little, the Sky Is NOT Falling!

dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, volatility, stability, stock market

What was true in late summer 2017 (when markets were quite stable and volatility low) remains true now—yes, we’ll have some “storms” in the market; HOWEVER, the Chicken Little doomsayers have yet to be proven even marginally intelligent with their “The Sky is Falling!” clucking!

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