The Value Of Time

They say that it is not worth Bill Gates’ time to bend down and pick up a $100 bill. While it may not be worth Bill’s time, it certainly would be worth my time!
What is really interesting about this scenario is that it suggests that somehow Bill’s time is more valuable than mine. And that may be the case. However, I know something that Bill may not – or may – know:
We all have same amount of time each and every day
Here’s the thing:
Time is a SCARCE resource and money is an ABUNDANT resource
Now the skeptics that are reading this are likely going to send me an e-mail and tell me something to the effect that if money is so abundant, I should go ahead and send them some.
To them, I respond:
- I will be happy to send you some extra money when you send me some extra time
No can do? That’s right you CANNOT give someone any of your time. Time is a scarce resource that belongs to each one of us. We own it. We choose how to use it:
- You only have a certain amount of time that you are free to spend on your faith, your friends and family, your fitness, or your finances
Each of us will make our own decisions on where we spend our time. There is nothing right or wrong about how we spend our time. However, once it is spent, there are no refunds. Sorry, but that is reality!
So what’s the message? Simple. Rather than focusing so much on your finances, you may be better served by focusing more on your time.
Need some help figuring this one out? Feel free to give me a shout and I will be happy to chat with you about how to find a better balance between faith, friends and family, fitness, and finance. I’ve got lots of practice personally dealing with this particular struggle.
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